About Us
Here are more details about the services we offer.
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Frequently Asked Questions
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How is the LIVE Tutoring Project different from other online tutoring services?
We are not just a tutoring service provider.  LIVE Tutoring Project is an educational program with customized learning plans and amazing educators who are carefully paired with students.  Our tutors offer ongoing help and guidance through each student’s academic journey. We establish a dynamic relationship with students that accelerates learning and development, expands knowledge, sharpens study skills and strengthens self confidence.
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How can I help the LIVE mission of improving students' lives through personalized education?
We can't do this without you! To join our team you can donate to the cause, share our posts on social media, and encourage those you know to lend a hand. Together, we can change lives, one student at a time.
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How much does the tutoring service cost?
You will be able to work with our teachers at a fraction of the average cost for private tutoring. Thanks to our generous donors, our hourly fee is $25.95. If this is still not affordable, you may apply for our scholarship program.
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Who are the tutors?
All of our tutors are fully credentialed teachers with mastery in specific subject areas. After a family consultation with our Director of Admissions, your child will be paired with a highly qualified teacher that is best suited to help meet their goals.
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